How to Cite a Blog Post in APA
Academic Writing
6 min read
How to Cite a Blog Post in APA
Having trouble with citing a blog post in APA? With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to apply the required reference style quickly and stress-free!

Written by
Catherine B.
Published on
Nov 22, 2024
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Struggling to keep track of citations in a world where info seems to explode online? You're not alone! This guide will break down how to cite blog posts in APA style, no jargon or snooze-fest guaranteed.
We'll show you exactly what info you need to include (think author, date, title, and the website itself) to keep your references on point and your research transparent. So, grab your favorite note-taking app and get ready to learn how to cite those blog posts like a champ!
APA Citation Style Definition
APA citation style dictates how to reference information from online sources, including blog posts. Similar to journal articles, it requires the author's last name and initials, publication date (or "n.d." for no date), title of the blog post (italicized), blog name, and website address in brackets with "ON" before it.
Blog posts are treated similarly to journal articles in APA style.
Here's the basic format for how to cite a blog APA:
→ Author Last Name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Title of blog post. Blog Name. URL
→ Here's what each element means:
→ Author Last Name, Initials. Include the author's last name and initials, just like you would for a journal article.
→ Year, Month Day. This indicates the publication date of the blog post. If no specific date is available, use "n.d." (no date).
→ Title of blog post. Italicize the title of the blog post.
→ Blog Name. Include the name of the blog, but don't italicize it.
→ URL. Provide the website address (URL) of the blog enclosed in square brackets. Include the website name after "ON".
Why Accurate Citations Matter
Citing sources accurately in APA style is crucial for a few reasons:
✔️Credibility: Proper citations demonstrate that your work is well-researched and supported by evidence. It shows you've consulted relevant sources and gives credit to the original author.
✔️ Transparency: Citations allow readers to locate the original source of information you've used. This allows them to verify the information or explore the topic further.
✔️ Avoiding Plagiarism: Failing to cite sources can be considered plagiarism, which is a serious academic offense. Citing properly ensures you're giving credit where credit is due.
How to Cite Sources in APA: General Rules
Before we dive into how to cite a blog post in APA, here are some general rules for citing sources in APA style:
✔️ Credit where credit is due: APA citations ensure you acknowledge the sources you've used in your research and avoid plagiarism.
✔️ Accuracy is key: Double-check all information included in your citations for accuracy, including author names, publication dates, and website addresses.
✔️ Standardization is your friend: Following APA guidelines creates consistency and makes your references easy for readers to understand.
✔️ Here's a breakdown of the basic elements you'll find in most APA citations:
✔️ Author: Include the author's last name and initials (e.g., Smith, J. or Smith, J. & Brown, A.). If there are more than six authors, list the first six names followed by "et al." (and others).
✔️ Publication Date: This indicates when the source was published. Use the year for print materials and the retrieval date for online sources.
✔️ Title: Italicize the title of the work (e.g., A New Perspective on Learning).
✔️ Source Information: This will vary depending on the type of source (e.g., publisher for books, journal name for articles, website address for online sources).
Here's a quick reference for different source types:
- Books: Author, Last Name. (Year). Title of Book. Publisher.
- Journal Articles: Author, Last Name. (Year). Title of Article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Numbers. doi: (Include Digital Object Identifier if available)
- Websites: Author, Last Name. (Year, Month Day). Title of Webpage. Website Name. URL
Now, let’s move on to how to cite a blog APA effectively.
Citing a Blog Post in APA
In today's information age, blogs offer valuable insights and perspectives. But when using them in your research, proper citation becomes essential. APA style, the standard for academic writing, provides a framework for referencing blog posts effectively.
Structure and Example of How to Cite a Blog APA:
Here's the basic structure for an APA citation of a blog post:
☑️ Author Last Name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Title of Blog Post. Blog Name. [Website Address]
For example:
Garcia, A. (2024, April 15). The Power of Storytelling in Science Communication. Science Blog. [[URL]]
☑️ In-text Citations:
Mention the author's last name and year of publication: Integrate the author's last name and the year the blog post was published within your sentence or paraphrase.
Garcia (2024) argues that storytelling can effectively communicate scientific concepts.
☑️ For direct quotes: Include the page number (if available) after the year in parentheses.
"Storytelling is a powerful tool that can bridge the gap between science and the public," Garcia states (2024, p. 3).
Useful Citation Tool
Struggling to format that blog post citation in APA? Citation Generator from Study Pro can be your knight in shining armor!
This handy tool streamlines the process of how to cite a blog APA, taking your post’s message and generating a perfectly formatted in-text citation and reference list entry, ensuring your research is accurate and avoids plagiarism.
Citing blog posts in APA can feel like wrestling a code kraken – confusing and tentacled. But fear not, fellow researcher warriors! Citation generators like Study Pro are here to save the day.
Toss in your blog post info, and this handy tool will transform it into perfect APA citations, both in-text and reference list. No more formatting fights, just smooth sailing towards perfectly cited blog posts!
Frequently asked questions
Citing a blog post in APA is similar to citing a journal article. Include the author's last name, initials, publication date (or "n.d." if unavailable), title (italicized), blog name, and website address in brackets with "ON" before it.
If a blog post has no author, use the blog title in place of the author's name in both the in-text citation and reference list entry. For the date, use "n.d." (no date) in both citations.
Treat online articles similarly to blog posts. Include the author, publication date, title, website name, and URL in brackets with "ON" before it. If it's a news article, you may not need a DOI (digital object identifier).
• How do I cite a blog in APA Style? - SNHU Library Frequently Asked Questions. (n.d.).
• Blog post and blog comment references. (n.d.).
• Research Guides: APA Citation Style, 7th edition: Blog post. (n.d.).
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